Lately I've been feeling like any sunny day that I spend inside is a day wasted. I tend to be a homebody when I'm on my own, so I call on friends and family for simple outings - to the lake, on a hike, to explore aimlessly. All day long I long to be in nature and with those dearest to me. And I've found that taking my camera with me can add another purpose to these outings; I appreciate and take note of the beauty of my surroundings more. It's been such a blessing.
These photographs were from one of those unseasonably sunny days early in April - Mother Nature quickly made a retraction on that temperature, at least for another few weeks - when my little sister and I went on a little date down by Lake Ontario. The sun! The water! The pale blue sky! I swear I won't complain an ounce about the weather all year - at least not until the novelty of snow has worn off in mid-December.
Well, have a lovely (and gloriously sunny!) week!
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